samedi 7 juin 2014

Bash if elif

Bash if elifWorking with IF, ELSE and ELSE IF in Bash Shell Scripting Progetto Bash. Istruzioni condizionali: IF – Elif, toshidex ~# Les conditions

Bash Tutorial 3: If Then Else Elif - YouTube

Bash with: if, elif & regex not working, Unix Linux Forums How to use If, ELSE, ELIF conditional statements in bash shell scripting (bash programming), with useful examples. How to use Conditional If, Then, Else, ElseIf (Elif) statements to make programming decisions in Linux Bash

Bash Guide For Beginners - 7.2.2. if/then/elif/else constructs

bin/bash if [ $1 = "Bruno" ] then echo "Salut Bruno!" else echo Il existe aussi le mot clй elif, abrйviation de « else if, qui signifie « sinon si. bin/bash echo "Enter the number 3" read t1 if [$t1 - eq 3]; then echo "it is 3" elif [$t1 > 3]; then echo "it is greater than 3" fi exit 0. The error i get is: bin/bash find '/home/myuser/folder/' - name '*. c' - type f, while read F do if [[ "$F" == '*. txt. C' ]] # if the file name ends in. txt. C then echo hello1 elif

Re "if" "then" "elif" "fi" "done" - Cygwin A quick guide to writing scripts using the bash shell - Panix IfElse Statements (Shell Scripting) - Code Wiki Adding an else-if statement structure is used with the elif command. #!/Bin/bash if [ "$1" = "cool" ] then echo "Cool Beans" elif [ "$1" = "neat" ]

Chapitre 7. Tests - Guide ABS Conditions in bash scripting (if statements), Linux Academy

Bash if elif

If statements in shell - Softpanorama If you use bash for scripting you will undoubtedly have to use conditions a The condition at elif is only executed if the condition at if was false. Bash gets unhappy if you leave a space on either side of the = sign. Between if/elif and the next elif or fi are executed if the corresponding condition is true.

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