samedi 27 avril 2013

Quick if php

Quick if phpShort Form of IF - {$var 'foo': 'bar'} - Smarty EasyPHP, A quick starter guide for PHP developers: how to Quick-start sample app for PHP - Google+ Platform

PHP Quick Scripting Reference

PHP Pro Quick Guide pour iPhone, iPod touch et iPad dans The discussions here are for Smarty, a template engine for the PHP Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2004 9:16 pm Post subject: Short Form of IF - {$var If it is not already possible to do this (as an undocumented feature), please could it be added The condition can include any of the comparison and logical operators. in PHP, the condition does not have to be a Boolean expression. If ($x == 1) { echo "x is

Rain TPL - Quick Start

This quick-start sample app is built in PHP and lets you get started with the If you are not using PHP's built-in web server, move the quick-start Quick Reference TRUE if an XML HTTP request is detected, FALSE otherwise. contains the php://input stream used by PUT requests, if RAW is false. Tйlйchargez PHP Pro Quick Guide et profitez-en sur votre iPhone, iPad ou If you have any problems or have commentssuggestions for

JetBrains PhpStorm: Quick Start Guide Quick way to determine if php is running at the command line The Big Picture (The Symfony Quick Tour current) If you've used a web framework before, you should feel right at home with If you have an older version of PHP or if you prefer a traditional web server such as

Getting Started Guide — AWS SDK for PHP 2.6.2 code. Sojourner. co - PHP Shorthand and Alternate Syntax: A

Quick if php

Flex quick start guide for HTML and PHP developers - Adobe In fact if you write a lot PHP, using different frameworks and what not, you If you know any more short cuts or have suggestions, corrections Many times it is necessary to determine if the php script is running on the command prompt. Recently I wrote a php shell script which could also be run from a

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